Thursday, May 14, 2009

Wonderful week...

As you can see by the photos we are nearing the completion of the kitchen remodel. I know I am not a great photographer however I was so anxious to get these taken and post them that I couldn't wait for Mr. Hubby to take photos.
I am so in love with this new kitchen that is now in my home. I have always loved my home but now it is complete and ever so beautiful and functional.
Mr. Wolf cooktop is propane and I am convinced the food prepared on it tastes better than on the old stove. Mrs. Bosch is very quiet and does a superb job of washing and disinfecting the dishes. Their son Grohe is a very practical faucet, easy to use and very handsome I might add. Their daughter Kohler is beautiful and amazing with a double sink and the new split divider feature. Our granite is from Brazil and named Bianco Romano. It was actually very difficult to find a light colored granite that also had lots of interest with movement and colors. Mr. hubby was determined to find just the right stone and through exhaustive searching and miles of walking huge yards and warehouses of stone he indeed did find the perfect one (not one slab because we had to buy several slabs for this kitchen).
I am so grateful to my husband for working so hard and doing this renovation. I am so grateful to my soul sister Lorraine for spending countless days and hours to sort, organize and reload all of the cupboards and drawers with me. I could not have done this by myself.
So now I love to just come into the kitchen and gaze around the room. I love to clean the granite and polish the stainless steel pieces. I feel energized to cook and eat healthier than we were before the remodel.
Now I have quite a line of friends who want to come and dine and see the new space. I see dinner parties, brunches and tea luncheons in the near future.
I am truly blessed.


  1. Gorgeous! What a fabulous kitchen for entertaining in. You must be thrilled!

  2. Beautiful! Sounds like you already have company with Mrs. Bosch & Mr Wolf and Kohler & Grohe and Bianco Romano!!!


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