Friday, July 20, 2012

Creativity in Nature...

 Sometimes being creative is not about the art studio or the sewing room.  Sometimes it is about doing a chore that you decide should not be boring or tedious as you spend countless hours performing it.
Take my trusty Fiskars scissors for example.  These are some I used for paper.  I now use them for manicuring my Wooly Thyme patio paver enhancers.  I do hope someone at Fiskars reads this and sends me a new pair as I have completely worn this pair out.  Fiskars are the very best scissors and other creative tools I own.  I tried all different types of trimmers and this pair works best by far.  Thank you Fiskars.

This year my Whooly Thyme got far too overgrown what with being away, and my kidney stone and the deck project taking precedence.  Once it flowers I let the bees have their way with it.  There are at least 6 different types of bees that harvest from the flowers.  I never get too close while they are active which is several weeks.  So this year I really dreaded my job of manicuring it back to being able to see and walk on the pavers.  From this photo above you can easily see there are no pavers showing at all.  What a job I have ahead of me!

 So I and my little knee pad and my trusty scissors.  Hours to find just one or two pavers.  And because I couldn't see where I was cutting I actually did a few bad mistakes.  I cut the roots from some areas and scalped other areas.  I am hoping with some nurturing and extra watering I won't lose my Whooly Thyme.    This photo shows how it should be instead of totally overgrown.

Here you can see the progress I have made.  I still have a ways to go but at least now I see the end is in sight.  There is hope that I will finish and be able to enjoy my labor for the remaining Summer and Fall months.  This patio is at the pond and I love to sit here and reflect.

Here is where I stopped to take a break.  Scissors in motion hoping they would finish while I was doing my other chores.  Not to be.  The scissors seem to need me in order to work.

"Reflections".  That is what I have named this area with the pond and the little patio sitting area.  I need to continue my manicuring and finish what I started.  Sitting here with a glass of wine or iced tea is such a calming joy that I treasure.  Mr. C actually went to pond college before he built this amazing pond.  I have shared it before in previous posts.  It is my complete favorite thing he has ever engineered and built.  This is serenity.
Our weather has been glorious however I understand we are in for more triple digit weather this coming week.  Our deck is almost done however we are taking a break...sort of.  Designing, cutting and painting the components of the step from kitchen to deck is how we spent the day yesterday.  Not really taking a break but then not the crazy schedule we were keeping.  Today I have some bills to pay and some mail to prepare.  Mr. C will be tinkering on his car.  The UPS delivery van has been making numerous deliveries here so parts to be installed are the order of today.
I have been enjoying snippets of visiting and seeing the amazing spaces that some of you create within.  Thank you for all the inspiration and treasures you have shared.  My muse has not run away...she is merely being patient and compiling all that is to creatively come.
May your weekend be wonderful and filled with your favorite things...


  1. Those pavers look so pretty with the woody thyme surround. Yep, I like Fiskars too. I have at least 6 pair of the micro tips that they make. So far they're the sharpest ones that I've found and are fairly inexpensive too. Enjoy your pond reflections area. It's gorgeous!

  2. Those Fiskars are very sharp! I can't believe how much your wooly thyme grew. Wow! It really was wooly and needed to be sheared. Would never have guessed those pavers were under there. It looks absolutely amazing but certainly was a job. Glad to hear you had reasonable weather for the task. Have a great weekend. Tammy

  3. How lovely your woody thyme looks!!!! Love the pavers...such a relaxing area to have! And what a good use for old scissors!

  4. I use those same scissors! They are awesome. I have been known to be so lazy that I don't want to chop up chives, so I cut them with those scissors instead! Much easier.
    Enjoy your weekend!! Our weather has been so dreadful I've forgotten what sun is!!
    And thank you for your sweet comments! You are amazing!!!

  5. I love your "Reflections"! What a perfect spot to sit and reflect on the day, the gardens, and life.
    How patient you are to trim back your thyme so carefully. I love thyme, and have several varieties growing among my garden beds and creeping over stones, even into the gravel.
    May you enjoy Sweet Reflections....

  6. OMG, I don't even know where I would start! It is fabulous, there has just got to be an easier way....Guess you tried them all. I bet it was almost relaxing, a time to do a lot of thinking!


  7. oh wow you have been busy! It looks great though!!

  8. Gosh, your big garden is lovely.The thyme must smell lovely as you snip away.

  9. Your pond area is absolutely gorgeous!!! Well done!
    (I use my old Fiskars to trim my roses!)

  10. Hi Sherry,
    What a beautiful little getaway spot you have created. Well worth the effort I would say.
    enJOY a lovely weekend,

  11. What a glorious yard!! wow, it's awesome and that looks like a lot of work, yes, I agree, thank you Fiskars! They're the best! I have some oregano that's over grown so I need to get to work, too! :)

  12. I think I've watched you do this a couple of times now and I can't believe it! lol It is lovely and adds to the lovely pond but I'm just not sure I could do it. I do have wooly thyme and it does spread and I just let it. Bless you!

  13. How lovely is that pool.. You have the perfect climate to grow that must smell delightful!!!!!!!!!

  14. You really have had a load of work, between the deck, company and now the pavers. WOOSh, I am tired from just reading your post. YOur pavers are gorgeous. I love that pattern on driveways. Beautiful. ANd the pond is great to sit with a glass of wine or tea or anything. Seems very relaxing. Stay hydrated, the weather is hot hot hot. Ana

  15. The end result certainly makes the chore worthwhile - at least I say that from a lovely vantage point of not having to do the work myself!
    It is a beautiful, tranquil spot and I think even if you had to walk on a bed of thyme to get to it, it would be worthwhile. Worthwhile, but limited because of the bees I suppose!

  16. It is like stained glass. It will look so neat when you are finished cutting. Unbelievable the Thyme overgrew the pavers completely.

  17. Oh Sherry! How I wish I had a pond just like yours in my own yard. It's beautiful... All of the time and hard work you put into trimming back that wholly thyme was so worth it, as it's looking so, so pretty! xo Paulette :)

  18. How beautiful you are making it all. I too am a Fiskars trimmer. I edge my flower beds with them. DH just shakes his head but I think it does a great job. Your pond is lovely. We have a leak in our waterfall and am not looking forward to that job. Hope you have a delightful weekend.

  19. What an incredible pond area-- a true work of art! I have used my scissors outside on lots of occasions!! Don't we all?

  20. Dear Sherry,
    It looks so very beautiful after cutting away, with your Fiskars- what a big job, but also a fantastic view afterwords- really amazing with the pond.

  21. Oh your thyme and paving stones look wonderful! Hope you didn't wear yourself out with all the trimming. I have a nice patch of thyme myself but it'll probably be a couple of years before it needs any trimming. Your Reflections area looks lovely :)

  22. Oh my gosh are you ever dedicated!! That is simply amazing. I can't imagine spending so much time on it but really worth it when its done. Is there any chance you could just mow it?
    hugs Lynn


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