Saturday, May 17, 2014

Tea in the Garden ATCs...

A short quick post to show the lovely ATCs I received in Tea in the Garden swap from Kimberly's ArtJoyStuff blog.  I adore her swaps.  You create three ATCs which can all be alike or each different.  Then you receive three ATCs from three different people.  I am never disappointed with what I receive.  Thank You Kimberly for always being so gracious and for making a special gift to include.  I love my Tea in the Garden hanging Tag.

Here are the ATCs I received.  Bottom left from Donna A of alittlebitofjumble blog.  Center bottom is from Sheng and I could not find any link for her.  Bottom right is from Jane of araliajane blog.  Each ATC is lovely and I thank you all.   This also shows the beautiful hanging Tag Kimberly made and included as a bonus.

Here is another ATC I received separately from this swap.  Thank you Jane.  It is very sweet and lovely...just like you my friend.
Making ATCs is such a fun and rewarding venue.  I adore their tiny little size.  Just the same as a standard playing card...2.5 x 3.5 inches.  For many years I made hundreds of these ATCs to donate to the senior homes and they used them as table favors.  I made lots of nature themed, fishing themed, and some with simple little words on them.  They can be wonderful conversation starters.  I never received any feed back or even so much as a thank you so after so many years I stopped making and donating them.  Sort of like paying it forward in my mind.  I enjoy giving and bringing a smile to someone who might need a bright spot.
Prayers for Southern California and the horrific fires burning and causing so much devastation.  I fear this will be a horrible year for all of California.  We are dry tinder everywhere.  No rain in the forecast at all.
I have been spending my time outdoors in my yard.  Each day I make it a goal to weed just one small area. Unfortunately when I am weeding the area, is not small and takes me a lot longer than anticipated.  I feel like the painter painting the Golden Gate the time he gets to the other side he has to begin all over again.  It truly is a losing battle but I still forge ahead.  Now if I could just get someone to do all the BIG stuff.  I don't use a weed-eater as it has moving parts and throws rocks at legs, torso, eyes...not for me!  So I merely crawl on hands and knees and continue to pull assorted weeds out of areas I can do.  I am thankful for being able to perform these feats.  Sometimes I could use a crane to raise me back up.
What are you staying busy doing?  Indoors or outdoors or both?  We are truly blessed to have such choices. Creative Bliss and thank you for following along and letting me know what you are up to...


  1. Great ATC's Sherry! Am pleased to hear you are gardening but sad that it is so dry in California. These fires are just devastating for so many...

  2. Whenever they are talking about the horrendous California fires I worry right away that it might be near you. I have been praying for rain but will pray harder! We've had so much rain in the past week...I sure wish I could send you some.
    The ATC's a wonderful way to create a small piece of art and these are so cute.
    Always a pleasure to stop by...

  3. What gorgeous gifts you've received!! They are all so beautiful!! I wish I could send you some rain, too...we've had so much. I have been busy planting flowers outside. I've been adding in some perennial grasses too, which I just love!! Have a great weekend :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  4. Spending my time like you tending the garden . The weeds are never ending but the rewards are worth it. Rest of the Time is playing catch up with crafting. Love all your ATC's that you received. The hanging one in particular. Hugs Mrs a.

  5. So happy to see you received one of my ATCs! I so wish I could send you some rain! Praying for everyone affected by the horrible fires.
    Have a wonderful week~

  6. Such beautiful ATC's, Sherry! Wow! I truly wish I could send you some rain. We have had way too much, and you need it so. Seems unfair. Can't wait to see photos of your flowers. Blue hydrangeas this year?!

  7. Darling little ATCs! I never made any of those (amazingly enough!!). Never know what might be next though…….lol

    Happy weeding! it's a never ending job, especially with all the rain! I need to do mine too….ugh!

  8. The ATC's are gorgeous! Lucky you!

  9. A crane! Yes, I'm relating. I leave the mechanical stuff for the men. I overcommitted myself this month so I am just trying to stay focused. May I is the theme this month!

  10. Oh dcear Sherry, I so wish for you, there would be rain, to fill your wells and to take away the fear of fire!! How are you dear? I hope all is well?
    The swap pieces are all so lovely, and the one from dear Kimberly a so beautiful hanger.
    Send you hugs ,-from Dorthe

  11. I love those little ATC's - small, creative work - absolutely delightful! Weed while you can, before the heat sets in - wish I had anything to weed but sand! :-) Happy Sunday, Sherry...XOXOXO

  12. Happy mail is so fun! ATC's are a treat to make and give. I think it is one of the few art things that give you instant gratification!
    I've been looking around your blog and awesome things are going on! Your towel is sooo pretty! And I too own that envelope board!
    I wish you much rain! Maybe some of it will finally leave here and go to you!

  13. The ATC's are fun, so nice to receive and send...little works of art. I think of you everyday when I see the weather forecast....praying for rain, for you. The does seem like the job that never ends and a crane would be quite helpful around here as well. I am not a nimble as I once was which makes getting up quite a show. What is that song..."I am not as good as I once was, but I am as good once as I ever was"...LOL

  14. What beautiful cards!! I am like you....down on my knees doing weeding.....I don't like mowers and weed eaters!! Just do a little every day and you'll get it!

  15. Those are nice ATC's. I hope t he rains come and soak the ground. Prayers for all affected by the fires.
    I, too, have been kneeling and weeding......then I use garden fabric and mulch! Ah, for a ton or two of mulch........I use a kneeling tool with arms to help me get back long as my arms don't give out! lol


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