Saturday, December 17, 2016

Santa's Elf???

Just the other day I spied into my studio and there I saw what appeared to be Santa's Elf working.
He is very resourceful and somehow found my tools and my Ott light.  Note to self:  find better hiding places.  LOL

What could be that frown?  Oh those teeny tiny itsy bitsy parts and they are so hard to read.  It is critical that they be placed exactly in the correct order.

Nicely soldered and permanently installed.  Mr. C is back to his beginnings in the old days of radio and computer repairs.  Nice to know he still "has the magic touch".  What is he repairing?  Our home doorbell and intercom system.  Murphy's Law always reigns supreme and decided that since our home is For Sale the doorbell should quit working.  Murphy is fooled by Mr. C to the rescue!  Thank you for your engineering expertise.  And here I thought it was Santa's Elf working in his toyshop making gifts for...

Looks like Mr. C aka Santa's Elf is plum tuckered out.  It is very cold here with our Arctic Chill.  I know we do not have any minus digits but for us here in Sunny California 25 degrees F is just too cold for pleasure.  May everyone stay safe and warm all across our country.  Looks like it will be a very long Winter. 
Now for all you merchandisers who are inundating me with sales and promotions and specials...Could someone please put on sale what Mr. C needs?!!  I don't think it is too much to ask for a special sale on BMW Struts that he needs 2 pairs of.  I am not seeing any practical necessities on any sales.  Okay I am done with my little want rant.  Thank you for indulging me.
Christmas is almost here and I am enjoying all the beautiful decorations and the many wonderful hand crafted gifts you all are sharing. 
Merry Christmas Bliss and Jingle Bell Joys...


  1. Hello Sherry. Thank you so much for the beautiful card.
    Hope you and MR C have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year with loved ones. Ana

  2. Hi Sweetness: It's nice to see your jolly elf working at his craft. It's nice to have someone in your home who is a "fixer". It's 12º at the farm tonight...with a wind chill factor of -6º. Good thing the dogs and I are toasty warm in the house (and that we don't have any livestock this year!). Put on your comfy socks and one of Mr.C's big sweaters. You'll be warm in no time.
    Donna, Tag and Boo

  3. so good DH has retained the skills to be able to repair the bell etc. Have a peaceful Christmas and hopefully a buyer will turn up soon for your home

  4. The red clothing is a big sell on this Santa story! Love it. You know there will be a sale on the struts "after" you buy them. :-)
    Jingle all the way...

  5. My husband would rather replace something than actually try to figure out how to fix it. Of course, what Mr. C is working on definitely takes some expertise. It's actually colder inside our home than it is outside most of the time. Concrete walls and floors are very good at retaining icy temperatures. Thankfully, my husband did get down one of the radiator heaters yesterday so our room was nice and toasty when I went to bed. Have a good day! Tammy

  6. cute story Sherri. In NE WI we are not only in the minus digits for temperatures, we got 10" of snow yesterday. to my way of thinking sunny CA is still balmy warm! thanks so much for sharing.

  7. I panic when I see Dave anywhere near any of my craft supplies. Luckily, he knows that he is never to touch my sewing scissors... he made that mistake only once!

    It's nice to see Mr C working on something so detailed. It brings back memories of Sunday afternoons at my grandparents' home. Grandpa would sit at his watch bench repairing watches, and I was allowed to stand next to him and watch!

  8. You made me smile with your elf it! Too bad he wasn't making you something incredible since he was using your stuff. Stay warm and I'm sending positive vibes for a buyer to come to your home and that BMW struts will show up Christmas morning from Santa.

  9. Good morning, enjoyed your post today and made me smile. My husband is very resourceful too-aren't they just the best? hugs to you all stay warm'
    Merry Christmas

  10. How handy Mr. C is to fix your doorbell!! It looks way too complicated for me!! I hope you and your family have a very happy Christmas my friend and a wonderful new year!! Holiday hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  11. Hard to find fixers anymore. Lucky you!!!

  12. You and Mr. Elf have a very Merry Christmas! Did he get the doorbell working again? Happy New Year and I hope your house sells soon so you can start the New Year off right.

  13. I'm so impressed- I would not have had a clue what that little green board was all about. But he can make it ring the doorbell. Those are useful skills! Have a warm and merry Christmas!

  14. Dear Sherry, so wonderful with a clever man in the house, I can tell that your Mr.C is able to do almost anything handicraft, just like my own husbond...aren`t we lucky :-). Here we also have no ice temps. but cold it is, only I`m more used to heavy sweaters, and woolen socks, than you are, dear friend.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  15. Would that we all could have a techno elf like Mr. C when something goes amuck!! Lucky you (but then again, I think he probably thinks he's pretty lucky to have YOU too!!)

  16. I love the look of concentration on Mr C's face! Good for him for being able to thwart Murphy. Keep warm.

  17. Don't suppose you'd care to do a swap? 2 elves for the price of one? Lol. hugs Mrs A.

  18. It must be nice having Santa's Elf that knows how to do a little bit of everything! Merry Christmas to you both!

  19. Hi Sherry, your talented elf is having lots of fun!! He is an inspiration. Wishing you both all the joy of the season. Merry Christmas and all good things in the new year. xo

  20. What a cute post - how wonderful that he still has his magic touch! There's nothing quite like a handyman...
    Merry Christmas wishes to you both - I hope you have a lovely and WARM holiday!


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