Saturday, November 29, 2008


I am writing this blog today to remind myself as well as others to relax and enjoy each day. Many of you probably did the over-shopping yesterday and are exhausted today. Well, in the words of Calgon, "Take me away". A nice hot bubble bath, a good book and a cup of tea is very relaxing and good therapy at these extremely busy times we live in. Any time of day would be perfect for this recipe.

I am looking forward to the upcoming holidays and visits with friends and family. My goal is to not stress out completely but to be able to relax and enjoy all the wonderful experiences and sights and sounds this season brings. Last evening my husband and I watched "Polar Express" for the very first time. I do "believe" and the magic is always amazing.

Living here in the mountains of Northern California we usually get snow by this time of year. I am not big on snow or ice or the challenges it brings each year, however we really do need the water table that comes from a good snowfall. Besides we can make a very happy snowman.

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