My etsy shop http://createology.etsy.com is not what I would have hoped it to be. I have not made nearly enough effort on promoting my shop nor have I been listing items like I was planning on doing. Somehow I thought it would be the catalyst for having the public see my lovely items I make and that they just could not resist owning a "Saucy Chick Sherry" creation. My dear husband really believes in my beautiful boas so much that he has spent countless hours traveling and finding just the right specialty shops for beads or fibers or ribbons and he invested a lot of money to buy those specialty components for each boa. Alas, no sales from etsy. I really feel like I am letting him down as well as myself. So...
I have a very dear friend who is going to teach me how to do a better job than I have been doing of marketing my etsy shop. Of course I am blogging about this as a way of making myself commit to working hard and learning a lot. Since blogging is partly a journal of where and how we are progressing then what better way to put myself on notice.
I am hoping to begin making progress very soon.
I loved your scotties!