Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Friends Are Blessings...

 Some people are true angels here on earth.  After my beloved Sasha BooBoo kitty had to go to heaven the loviest lady got busy and made me some wonderful gifts that I shall treasure forever.  These gifts came all the way from AUSTRALIA from Judy of Fabrications blog. 
This adorable wall hanging is a kitty angel.  This is bringing me Joy Joy Joy. 
 Judy even backed it with kitty fabric.  And do you see the wire hanger shaped like a kitty head.  So very clever.
 Included is a wonderful fabric tray.  I can honestly say I am so making these for some upcoming gifts.
Do you see the cat card, cat charms, angel and heart buttons, bookmark, cat note pad, tiny cupcake tote and beautiful beaded flower?  Miss Judy was so very generous.  I am truly touched. 
 And included are some articles, patterns and a scone recipe.  Plus a birthday card. 
Judy is such a dear and she really helped me deal with my huge loss and sadness.  Thank you my dear friend.  You are a blessing indeed. 
Thank you to all my commenting followers.  You did a great job sharing your stories of shopping...or NOT!  I do enjoy each of your comments and always look forward to reading them. 
Nothing creative from me as I am spending my time handwriting my Christmas cards and hand addressing each and every one of them.  In this day of technology I just really enjoy the time and effort I spend on each holiday card I mail.  Do you still hand address your cards or letters?
Jingle Bell Joys...


  1. What a lovely collection of treasures Sherry - a generous gift indeed!
    I love that you are handwriting your cards. I love that special time, sitting and thinking of each person in turn as I share my good wishes for them and their loved ones for the holidays and coming year. I always feel that when I write them, if I am truly thinking heartfelt thoughts, the very best will happen for them. I think that is the best kind of Christmas wish....

  2. Such beautiful gifts, Sherry. Your generous spirit always comes back to you! I'm so glad we're friends.

  3. Judy is so sweet to have thought of sending all of those cat goodies. The wire hanger bent like cat ears is clever. Great job Judy.
    I do not really send out cards to many people. I do hand write inside of them a special not to the ones I give out. I give to my nieces and nephews and handwrite in those.
    Thanks for sharing your goodies.

  4. You are indeed blessed. That is probably because kindness leads to more kindness. Giving and receiving is a circle.

  5. I do hand-write my Christmas cards, and some I even make. I hope to infuse my cards with good wishes and happy thoughts as I think of each recipient, and how special they are to me.
    What lovelies Judy sent you! Caring hearts know each other.
    Have a blessed day.

  6. Sherry, they are wonderful gifts from a lovely heart .
    And yes dear, I also adress and hand write my christmas post----everything else would not be right for me...
    Hugs to you.

  7. Sherry,
    What a thoughtful and loving friend. Our pets are so important to us. We have been in and out with Jud's illness recently and are dogs are very well cared for but I miss them intensely when we are gone. A true loss of a pet is profound. How lovely that Judy understood so well! I hope it will all wrap you in a blanket of comfort.
    Big hugs,

  8. Hi Sherry,
    I am so sorry about your dear kitty and how special that Judy gifted you such wonderful treasures. I love all that your received from her. What a very nice thing to do for you and you deserve it too.

    Yes, I also hand write my cards inside and out. In fact this year, I designed an altered art mixed media card to send. It was a bit of work and I am still not finished, but close.

    Have a wonderful weekend.
    XO Celestina Marie

  9. Oh how sweet! What a kind and heartfelt thing to do. The wall hanging is really adorable, and all the other goodies too are fab.
    We do so love our furry babies, and miss them so much when they go.

  10. What a great blogging friend! Yep, I hand address and write a personal not in every single card!


  11. Friends are blessings, indeed...glad she was there with all those creative "pick me ups" for you! And yes, I STILL hand address all my cards, and letters...I was sad to hear the other day, that the local elementary schools are no longer teaching cursive! :-(

  12. OMG Judy, what a true blessing is your friend. Love all your beautiful goodies. I'm going to visit her blog.

  13. Vraiment de très jolis cadeaux ! Bisous et passe un très bon week-end

  14. These are lovely gifts. Your giving nature inspires the same in all your blogging friend!


  15. Oh my friend! I am so happy your friend could bring a smile to your face during this time of great sadness. You are right, friends are a true blessing!

  16. Oh Sherry,
    This brings such a smile to my face to know that you received such wonderful treasures as you have the biggest heart!!!

    Your envelope arrived and I was sooo surprised--thank you so much--I didn't open it yet!! I'm waiting for Christmas! xo Cindy

  17. Oh Sherry what a wonderful friend you have. It really was so special what she did for you!

    I do make and write my own cards, I don't know if anyone can read them as my writing is the worst!

    Thank you for your beautiful card. The fabric postcard is fabulous! Even my DH comented on it !! That says alot. So sweet of you to think of me.
    Hugs and Happy Holiday wishes!

  18. I'm sorry to hear about your loss....

    It is so nice to know we have good friends around us that help to make our days bright!

    Ciao Bella

    Creative Carmelina


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