Saturday, September 22, 2012

My Name is Sherry...

My name is Sherry...Saucy Chick Sherry to be exact...and I am a Craftaholic!

My muse and I could spend hours in this room alone and never get bored.  However lately with all the busyness of life we are lucky to steal snippets of time in minutes only to play and be creative.

There are so many projects started that I seriously do not know how many.  I am afraid to count them for getting overwhelmed and probably be found running from the studio screaming in terror.

In all reality I am such a lucky girl!  These are my drugs of choice and I couldn't be any happier to be in this pickle pile of projects. Now to make (not find) time to be productive is my goal.
P.S.  I hope there is no cure for this addiction as I love being creative and able to make so many different types of lovelies to share with friends and family and to hopefully sell at my upcoming participation in our Zumba studio boutique.
I shall be spending time working outdoors this weekend and cleaning up more property as Fall nears.  We have some very expensive wood left over from the deck rebuild to put away indoors in case we ever get rain.  It feels good to organize and clean up...why can't I seem to do it in my studio?!?!?!
Wonderful weekend to everyone.  Enjoy this time of year (including my friends who are having Spring).
I very much appreciate each and every one of you and adore reading your comments you leave.  Thank you sincerely...


  1. Oh, Sherry, where do I begin? I love you (that's where I begin!), I love your fabric buckets, i love your organized boxes all labeled, I love your spools of ribbon under your work table, I love your folded piles of fabric, especially the pink one and the Halloween ones, I love your "started" projects that you can come back to...s l o w l y....when you have bits n pieces of time. Bits and pieces, that's us! Creative bliss to you my sweet friend, ~ kathy

  2. Yes, Yes, Yes, I agree with everything Kathy just said above! I am just simply overwhelmed and awestruck examining these photos in detail! You are indeed a lucky girl - and we are so lucky to have found you and to be your blogging (or other) friends! Could I please move in with you?
    Drooling, Jane

    So happy it's Fall once again!!!

  3. oh my I think I may be coming to live with you for awhile too...LOL

  4. I'm glad there's no cure for your addiction! Otherwise I wouldn't be able to enjoy your bouts of creativity.

    Ms. Saucy Chic made her debut with the kindergarteners this week... the loved her! Last week we read The Little Red Hen, and this coming week we'll be reading Chicken Little. Ms. Saucy Chick always makes me smile!

  5. I love your studio!
    Right now mine is all put away while we have the house up for sale, but I sure hope to have a workspace soon where I can leave work out in various stages. I think it's good to have supplies about, for one item sparks an idea, and then you see that this and that goes with it, and ...... well, it's eye candy in the raw, and needs to be seen to entice us.....
    Love that worktable!
    Wishing you happy creative hours ahead

  6. Oh, there is no place I would rather be than in that fabulous room with you. I'm with you i can't imagine how boring my life would be without crafts...It feeds my soul1


  7. Oh my goodness but wouldn't it be fun to come play in your room? Filled to the brim. Love it.
    You had me at your header --lol -- love the items you have displayed there.

  8. I'm with you! I don't understand those non-addicts. Love your room. The creativity is just flowing off the photos! We are a lucky bunch indeed.

  9. Yes, we are blessed in our addictions and any table is going to look chaotic with our varied interests. Happy creating to you, you saucy chick!

  10. You're so cute, Sherry! I too hope there's no cure for this crafty addiction! I could spend hours in your wonderful room! Hope you had a great first day of fall! xo

  11. Oooohhhhh... what a gorgeous craft room! If you think that needs tidying then you aren't ever going to see mine! It's all about creativity and you are a work-in-progress. Love how you store your ribbons. Love your bundles of fabric. An iron ever ready. Containers of crafty inspiration. The one thing we have in common is that white hexagonal tidy thing. I have one on my craft table too! I hope you find time to be more creative in your craft room. keeleyxx

  12. Hi Sherry, very nice studio to work in. You should really consider doing a room tour and uploading the video on youtube. I thought it would be something difficult yet I was able to do it in no time. If interested my youtube name is anallanes02.
    You seem like you are really busy in your studio. I am wanting to create so many projects yet I can't seem to stop and take a break from the layouts. I will be decorating for Halloween next weekend and have some things in mind to create.
    Have fun organizing and cleaning up and hope you can finish all the task you have ahead of you.
    Good luck selling all your creations at the boutique. Our weather is horrible. It has been raining all day day non stop. Wishing some rain goes your way. ANA

  13. Sherry your studio is gorgeous! You have a very organised space, and it would feel great just to walk in there.Those little thread catchers are so cute! I like making multiples of things I enjoy making.
    I have just found a place to sell me little dolls at, so I'm dolling like mad!!
    Autumn is another lovely season- sort of gently nostalgic I find. Hope your chores get done quickly and you can have a play time!
    Love seeing what you make.
    Judy xx

  14. Like everyone else Sherry wow to your room, and to have such a large table where you can leave things out, just a corner of it would be heaven to me, do not think any of us could find a better `drug` than our addiction to our own craft.

  15. He descubierto tu blog y me ha gustado mucho su contenido, ya soy seguidora tuya. Si lo deseas te invito a visitar mi blog y si es de tu agrado me gustaria tenerte como seguidora en mi blog y asi seguir en contacto.

    Un saludo muy cariñoso.


  16. Well Sherry I couldn't think of a better pickle to be in!
    These drugs of addiction can only enhance the wellbeing of the heart and soul!
    What a lovely big space you have to create in! You could almost get lost in there!!!
    Thank you dear friend for you very kind comment on my new journal!
    Hugs to you,

  17. Oh SSD, I absolutely agree with everything you've said! I also feel like a child in a sweet shop drooling over all the wonderful goodies to be seen in your studio!
    I love how you've various rolls of things stored underneath your craft tables too - ingenious! Good luck with the remaining outdoor clear up and enjoy the rest of the weekend xx

  18. I have not been spending much time visiting blogs the past couple of months, but I am so glad I visited today! Love the post and agree 100%. I had dinner guests last night and had to clear the kitchen table of the mountains of crafting supplies....I forgot what that table looked like!

  19. Thank you for sharing your studio with us Sherry! It looks awesome and so organized and I can see why you're a major craftaholic!

  20. Great posts ... I couldn't have said it better. Actually I think you are very organized. You should see my studio... on second thought no you should not... I live in fear every day that the "Clutter Police" are on the way.
    It actually rained yesterday... not much...just a wee bit. The smell from the fires east of here still fill the air.
    Sweet weekend to you.

  21. And aren't we all happy that you are addicted!! Love seeing your addiction results!! You are one person we hope never has a intervention!

  22. Fellow addict here. Your studio looks like such a happy, creative space!!

  23. Hi Sherry,
    Your creative space just speaks to me. I could not imagine not creating and a place to work to your hearts content. It is like breathing, yes?
    I would love to visit and spend some time creating with you. What fun!!!
    Enjoy your outdoor fun too. Happy Fall.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  24. I'm sure we're sisters from different mothers! I love your creative space! Isn't it nice to have a room where you're able to keep your works-in-process sitting out? We're lucky girls, indeed! I can't wait to see your next finish.

  25. I love seeing your craft room! What a wonderful work space. Happy belated birthday sweet lady! :)


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