Hello. My goodness May came along and now is gone all too quickly. We have taken our home off the market for the time being. After interviewing numerous persons and having one brave enough to tell us a few changes we need to make, the surprise projects have begun. Our plan is to complete all projects and list our home in time for late Summer Selling Season. You have all been so patient and encouraging over the last seven months and I am very grateful. Thank You.
This is our Great Room, another term for living room. It is a large room. When we bought this home 19 years ago this past weekend, everything was builder beige...except the blue floral carpet. We had a designer/interior decorator help us to bring cozy to this room so many years ago.
Mr. C and a cabinet craftsman built this cherry entertainment center and it must stay with the house. (Side note: I will never spend this kind of time and money on custom built-ins again!)
Now the very expensive threaded wallpaper must go. It is too dark and dated. Bye-bye. My tears stayed silent while the trash bin was being filled. I didn't even have the heart to try to salvage any for paper arts. Mr. C reminds me to move ahead.
Testing color samples on the wall. This color is "Whiskers" and we used it downstairs when we remodeled just over a year ago. It blends well with the light tan in the hallway and dining room. The ceiling is a soft taupe and also goes well. Whew! One less decision and area to change.
I admit the room is now bright and airy and ready for new homeowners. Next week is a further change. Yes, it involves this room as well. Can you guess? The old window valence will not be going back up. I would like to have sheer light grey panels that hang from the window tops to the floor at both ends and the two window frames in the middle. What do you suggest? I have to keep reminding myself that none of this is for me and Mr. C...unless the house never sells and we stay here forever. We are keeping that in mind as we hire contractors and make changes that we will be able to live with...just in case.
I shall welcome June and all it brings. May is ending with a shot of rain. I welcome the rain...but not with our projects right now. Everyday is a challenge yet I am grateful for all we have and are able to do. Nothing creative from me right now. I am allowing my Muse to relax, rejoice and reenergize so that she will be ready when I can get back to sewing and creating. Summer Blessings to all...