Happy Hearts to everyone.
Aren't surprises just the most fun when they bring such creative joy and happiness? I certainly think so. In my mail was this super cute Birdie Valentine card and the little burlap package held closed with an adorable heart pin.
It held a beautiful charm domino necklace made by Sheila of Blessed and Distressed
blog. I aplogize that my scan does not do justice to the glitter and beauty of this sweet little girl that Sheila made from a simple domino. Please visit her and see all that she does.
Thank you so very much Sheila. You are one of the wonderful and generous friends I have found here in blogland.
Heart Strings.
This scan definitely does not do justice to this lovely sewn string of hearts and butterflies and love that Miss Cory "Dogwood" handmade and sent to me. I adore it and its fluid movement as it hangs near my desk to inspire me. Thank you very much Dogwood of Pink Dogwood Blossoms
blog. Cory and I actually live right near one another and have never met in person. We were matched up in last year's April Letter Writing challenge and have been corresponding ever since. Some day soon we shall meet especially since we both shop at the same Ben Franklin local craft supply store.
Creative Handmade Cards.
These are some Valentine cards I received from family and friends that are ever so cute and special as they are handmade. I must not scan so badly! I do cherish all of my Valentine goodies and the fact that they were created with love.
Oh no lack of that. Just no photos or scans as I have eaten all of it. I did share a tiny bit with Mr. C since he likes chocolate also.
May you each celebrate this wonderful day and enjoy the love that surrounds us all.
Happy Hearts...