Thursday, March 1, 2012

Play Time For Me...

 Games are meant for play time.  Children and adults enjoy games.  Mr. C NEVER plays games as he doesn't sit still long enough to do so.  My favorite game is Scrabble.  However it is too hard to play Scrabble with myself.  I set it up and pretend two of us are playing but somehow it doesn't work and I lose interest and put it away.
Can you imagine that all of this and much more was destined for the landfill.  I rescued all these games from the back of a pickup truck heading to the local dump.  Unfortunately every piece of paper related cards and game boards did not get saved as I couldn't get that horrible moldy musty smell out of them and I had already spent too much time on them.
I am super happy to have these game pieces for play time in the studio with collage work or jewelry or the unexpected art project.
Here is another play time piece I made.  This very happy little canvas with a cute Spring bird.  The twigs are from my yard and added just the right touch of nature to this piece.  I am very happy to say this little bird has flown my studio for warmer weather as a thank you to one of my good blogging friends.  Safely arrived and appreciated.
We finally have Winter here in California.  It has snowed for two days and nights.  Our high temp daytime was about 34 degrees F.  Brrr...  So far the snow is quite pleasant and of course beautifully ethereal.
My studio and sewing room are buzzing with busyness and I am very happy.  My March is looking like it will be Marvelous (I was so hoping to break the last three month streak and not have Mayhem March).  What are you busy doing these early days of March?
Joyful creating...


  1. I love finding old games - I have several stored away for Altering art with. my favorite game has to be Monopoly ~ It's just a great game to play with friends and wine!

    Hope you are well ~ What a sweet Spring bird - the little twig legs make it extra special! xo

  2. The twig legs are TOO cute! :) Can't wait to see what you come up with using that Chinese Checkers board!

  3. Hello Sherry sister dearest! I'm glad your March is going to be Marvellous! Your birdy cavas is fab - love the twiggy legs!

    Great haul - the game pieces, I have quite a collection myself and have to stop myself from buying any more!
    I like scrabble too, whenever I play my hubby he always wins! Think I'll stick to crafting!

    Keep warm and enjoy your weekend x

  4. My favorite game is Scrabble as well. I love it. But my husband, not so much. He always loses. But now I have downloaded it into his phone and even he is playing. Maybe this weekend I will pull out the scrabble board and play.
    We have super hot weather here in Miami. I wish we had a little cooler weather and not so much humidity. It is yucky out.
    I have been working on many minis and pin cushions and pins. Love them.
    Your bird card is adorable. Love the fact that you have incorporated natural elements to it. Really cute.
    Whom ever receives it will be very happy to display it.
    Happy crafting and stay warm.

  5. I too love scrabble! but hubby doesn't play sister got me started playing Words with Friends on my IPOD and I'm hooked. I now play with our DIL in Indiana too! It's a free app and I understand you can also play through Facebook (which i don't have!). You can even play a game with yourself!! I love I know why Alec Baldwin got asked to leave the plane! :)

  6. I save old games just because! They always evoke memories of when I was little.
    Love your birdie with the cute twig legs. Your friend I am sure loves it. Our snow is melting and it is back in the forties so maybe our winter is gone. I am so ready for Spring. Happy weekend to you Sherry!

  7. A Lion is showing himself on this beginning of march. It is white but if he starts roaring things will not be quite so ethereal. I'm deciding between practical dust bunny work or creative faerie dust sprinkling!

  8. I would totally play Scrabble and Chinese Checkers with you if we lived closer!!! I love Sorry and Yahtzee and Backgammon, too!

  9. love the little bird with stick feet! Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my G45 Design Team Finalist :)

  10. So what you did not tell was how you stopped the pickup to get the games...I bet that was a great story. I can't believe it is that cold...YIKKES we hit 90 today, but it will cool back down this weekend, we aren't ready for summer yet. My March is going to be filled with projects for the show I am going to be be a vendor in. I just have to tell you, you get the award for the always nicest comments, I wish you were my neighbor!


  11. Glad to see you having such creative fun. And wishing you more March marvelousness in the weeks ahead.

  12. Oh, isn't it just so fun to CREATE??? And even though you have to play alone, you still find a way to get SOMETHING ACHIEVED! Thank you so much for visiting and leaving a kind comment!!! Anita

  13. I love finding old games too and using the pieces in your art is a wonderful idea.
    Love the little bird art.


  14. Great save, Sherry!
    We still haven't had winter here in NJ, and the birds have started to sing. So, if the birds think it's Spring, who am I to argue?
    enJOY a lovely Sunday,

  15. I always enjoyed Chinese Checkers and still have many of my childhood games. I'm also fortunate enough to play scrabble every week! Your Spring bird is lovely especially the legs :)

  16. I snatch up old game pieces whenever possible...this is a treasure. I adore your sweet canvas. Love birdies!

  17. Looks like you're having fun playing, sherry! Love the twig legs on the bird!
    Have you tried Boggle? I think you could play that by yourself since it's timed, but, of course, games are more fun with other people. We still like to play some games and work jigsaw puzzles, although the puzzle I started after Christmas is currently buried underneath my Valentine crafting 'mess'! Time to clear off that table - again!
    Keep on playing! Jane


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