Thursday, January 14, 2010

Curiouser and curiouser...

"Curiouser and Curiouser" is a quote from Alice in Wonderland. This photo is a sneak peak of a necklace I made in the spirit of the tale of Alice in Wonderland. It is fun, funky and very quirky which I do believe describes Alice and the characters surrounding her.
Today I just needed the bright spring colors of pink and green. We have sunshine for the moment however I understand a very big and wet storm is coming our way and should last several days.
So in the cheeriness of spring here is a glimpse of what I love to make. Very unique and individual pieces of jewelry that you won't see on anyone else but you. My creative muse is in high gear this season of after the holidays. I have so many ideas and want to create so many things.
I am reminding myself to focus and therefore I am getting a lot of things accomplished. And that feels super good. I am smiling and enjoying each day.


  1. Thank you for your info you sent me about the stamp! Hugs,
    I am happy I could cheer you up with my mosaic stepping stone.
    This weather is so yucky.. and I moved from Floria to Wi?..
    Take my temp someone! lol
    Hugs, Darlenex


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