Hello is just about all I have to say today. It is beginning to rain again therefore...Wet Wednesday. The phrase Wet Wednesday reminds me of a job I had in the 80's where my very young boss always took off work very early on Wednesdays to go sailing. He was originally from Boston and was proud of the fact that he actually graduated college by getting extra credit and boosting his grades by sailing his professors yachts around from winter storage to good weather harbors for them to enjoy. I do not know anything about sailing except that it takes place on water...very big water. Water and I do not have a very good relationship. I have never been nor will ever go on a sailboat of any size. They tip you know. Sometimes people actually fall off and end up in water. That is why I have no adventure or desire to experience sailing. However, as an employee and fun loving person that I was I gathered up about three of us girls and we decided to cheer our boss on one of these Wet Wednesdays as a surprise. So we got matching hot pink t-shirts that fit us each quite well and we stenciled very large lettering on the front of our shirts. WET WEDNESDAY We left work on time and drove to the marina and lined up at the dock just in time to cheer him on as his very large sailboat was coming in for the evening. This was in Southern California and summer time so lots of great weather and sunlight. Well, he was thrilled and very surprised to see "his" girls cheering him on. It also fed his huge ego to have us make such a fuss over him in front of all his friends. Needless to say we all enjoyed a very late night of libations and laughter. Of course we all made it to work on time the next day. So for me Wet Wednesday has lots of memories.
Today it means we are having more rain here in Northern California and we are thankful for the water.
So as Tinkerbell brings a smile to my face...hello to everyone.
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