Another cute project with super fun themed fabrics. My creative co-hort and I are known as the Saucy Chicks and therefore we tend to be drawn to fabrics with cute chicken themes. The brighter and cheerier the better. So we got out our numerous fabrics and started cutting. We made the pattern as we went along. Our friend Margaret also helped us cut out the fabrics.
What are we making you ask?
Saucy Chicks to love and hug.

Here is a finished Saucy Chick in all her glory. I missed taking a photo of her back with the other two fun fabrics as we made them with all different coordinating front, back and wings. Her eyes are faceted beads and her beak and crown are wool felt. She is stuffed with wonderful soft fiberfil and is very huggable.
We made five and before we could do a group photo they flew the coop. We were able to get this one back on the work table to get this adorable shot of her.
We hope the kids at Deer Creek like them as they will be attending the Boutique sale looking for new coops to live in.
We think they are so cute we may have to make a few more. We certainly have enough fabrics.
What do you think of them?
Happy Creating...