Here we are one week into this wonderfu new year 2011 and all that it holds for each of us.
This is an Art Journal Calendar 2011 which I received as a giveaway gift from the artisit Paula McNamee. She is a Portland artist and please check out her
blog to see the interesting art she creates. Paula was also one of the artists who participated in the Portland Art Collective Show and Sale. Unfortunately I was not in Portland during this time frame so I was unable to attend.
I like my Art Journal Calendar as there is sufficient room each day to write notes or keep track of something special.
Each month also has a quote or two for inspiration. January is:
"One gets into a state of creativity by conscious work" Henri Matisse
"Let choice whisper in your ear and love murmur in your heart. Be ready. Here comes life." Maya Angelou
There is a simplicity about this calendar that I really appreciate.
Thank you Paula for gifting me with this daily reminder to be creative.
As for my day I spent it hosting our local Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center. I do this volunteer effort at least once a month and sometimes more. I love meeting people and listening to their stories. I meet locals who live here and others who have traveled near and far. It never fails that every single time someone asks me something I do not know or have never come across before so there is always learning involved which I love. Yes, there are some interesting characters that come in. I have been doing this for many years and I still enjoy it very much. Today was slow as it is extremely cold and not a lot of people out and about. Amazing how exhausted I am at the end of my day. Good excuse to get comfy and cozy and eat some warm grilled cheese sandwich and soup for dinner. I love comfort food. The kind I grew up with.
What are you doing this weekend?
Warm Hugs and Sunny Smiles...