Thursday, December 30, 2010

Goodbye 2010 & Hello 2011...

Let me begin by saying 2010 has been a good year for the createology household. Oh we had our setbacks and trials, yet we were always able to move forward and enjoy overall.
In 2010 I had chosen to select one word that would be helpful to me throughout the year. I have never been one to make resolutions since I don't follow a "throw a switch" mentality. I have never understood how one day, January 1, can make a person behave differently especially for an entire year or for life just by something they say. For me it has always been about making changes as I feel comfortable with the ability to actually change whatever behavior necessary.
My word in 2010 was FOCUS and it did actually help me through the year as I was able to recognize when I strayed from being focused.
So for 2011 I am again selecting a word that I believe will help me have the best life possible. I have put a lot of energy into this selection. I reviewed my goals and accomplishments in 2010 and found many of them I did in fact keep in focus and achieve. However I also realize that I lacked in areas or ambitions and did not get all that I wanted to get done.
So for 2011 I am selecting my word to be NOW. I know this seems like an odd word however it is the one word that kept coming to the forefront for me.
NOW will represent to me the following:
without further delay
present time
at once
Now will keep me accountable to doing things now as opposed to putting them off til later.
No more procrastination.
No more excuses.
No more waiting until the time or weather or lighting or supplies or ??? are right.
Now will allow me to get more things done and that will allow me to quit beating myself up for not getting things done or made or given. This can be quite the vicious cycle if you know what I mean.
Now will give me the freedom to focus on all that I can be in 2011 without waiting for the right time. When is the right time? Never or Now!
I am actually excited about this word as it has really made me stop and think about who I really am and why I do or don't do certain things in life. This just may be my year to really grow not only creatively but also as a human being.
Now for me will represent these things:
no excuses...
keep trying...
be accountable...
just do it...
there is no perfection...
Now I feel confident and comfortable to embrace this new year 2011 and be the best me! I shall continue to bring with me FOCUS as I travel my journey.
Thank you each and every blog friend and follower. Blogging has been such a great way to share and experience with others who share this gift of life and creativity. I feel blessed.
Onward and forward as we enter into this new year of opportunity...


  1. Happy New Year to you too!
    Now, is a fine word!

  2. Hi Sherry, I think NOW is a very powerful word...and one we could ALL use more often. And I love your explanation of how it kept coming back to you -- or you to it. That's how I know when my word is right. It chooses me as much as I choose it. I wish you creativity and joy (NOW) and in 2011!!! xo

  3. Great post dear lady.....NOW is on of the simplest yet the most empowering words ever penned!!



  4. I like it! Now! It's a great word for a year that I hope brings you more joy than you can hold. Now...that's a good word for being in the moment, too! In the now. Bye for Now, Kathy

  5. Happy New Year to you also, may your NOW...happen daily! My now died a couple of years ago, I wish I could find it! lol, xxoo

  6. What a great word! Wish I'd thought of it. Like you, focus was my word for 2010 and I learned most when I was not being focused. Here's to the new year and staying focused and growing creatively in every way.

  7. And another amazing post Madam! I love this - one word... it reminds me of Lord of the Rings - "One ring to rule them all, one ring to bind them".
    I have been thinking so much lately, words and thoughts rolling (roiling might be an even better word for how it feels!) telling me things, sometimes gently and other times not so much. I love your word and am excited to see how it unfolds for you, the meanings you have given it and the meanings yet to come...

  8. NOW is a great word for 2011! I've enjoyed your projects and am wishing the BEST in 2011!

  9. Sherry, I like your new blog banner and selecting a word for the year.
    Best wishes for 2011! Paula

  10. What a great word for the coming year!

  11. What a fabulous word to choose, enjoy your use of it! Wishing you a very Happy New Year! keeleyxx

  12. NOW is a perfect word! Being in the present is the best place to be! Although, it can be very challenging I strive to be there as much as possible. It's been such a pleasure visiting you and your beautiful blog in 2010. I look forward to more visits in '11.

  13. You selected a fabulous word! So happy we got to meet this year - wishing you and yours an enchanting and prosperous New Year! Theresa

  14. Happy New Year to you too! I love the word NOW, that sure gets things done! Thank You for entering in my mosaic shoe giveaway, I hope you win!


  15. Now would be the prefect word for me to choose myself. I found you just Now through Donna's lovely site Brynwood Needleworks. So happy I did because your site is really wonderful.
    Love your pieces that you create!
    Happy New Year

  16. Wonderful post!! Happy New Year.


  17. I love this post. It really has me thinking. You really put great thought into this. Here's to 2011.

  18. fabulous word to live by in 2011!! here's to being here NOW!! happy creative new year to you!! xox, :))

  19. What a great *word* to take on...Happy New Year!

  20. What a wonderful word to live by... Happy New Year!


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